New Italian terminal set to start operations in December


The first stage of the new semi-automated container terminal in Vado Ligure in Italy will launch on December 12 capable of handling the largest boxships afloat today. It is expected to increase competition among ports in northern Italy. The new infrastructure jointly owned by APM terminals (50.1%), 40% by Cosco Shipping Ports and 9.9% by Qingdao Port International Development will start operating in its first phase with a quay length of 450 m, 16 m draft and four ship-to-shore cranes handling ships of up to 23 rows across.

The second phase will be completed in the third quarter of 2020 giving a quayside length of 700 m, five ship-to-shore cranes and an annual capacity of 860,000 teu.

Some services from Maersk Line and Cosco Shipping are expected to move from the nearby terminals Voltri Terminal Europa, Sech and Las Spezia Container Terminal.

For the Chinese port of Qingdao this terminal was the first overseas investment completed and since then it has come in for a similar type of minor stake investment with Cosco in Abu Dhabi.

